Feel the power of the P90 rifle with this incredible GelSoft replica. This new addition to our GelSoft rifles delivers everything you’d expect from such an iconic design, power, range and accuracy all combined in a unique ‘bullpup’ package. This rifle fires safe, frangible GelSoft ammo up to 30m accurately and with a great rate of fire; the ammo is biodegradable and made predominantly from water ensuring no harm to the environment. On impact the ammo ‘pops’ or ‘bursts’ with a satisfying splat of water, or just bounces off the target safely. For this rifle, please make sure you allow at least 4 hours for the ammo to expand, add more water if necessary – they stop when complete. The P90 rifle has a durable polymer body designed with the iconic P90 thumb hole grip for comfortable and accurate use. This gun also includes a screw in ‘silencer’ that extends the barrel and comes with a ‘reflex’ style functional sight significantly improving accuracy during use. The silencer is removable and does not need to be installed to use, but it definitely adds to the overall look of the rifle.To load the battery into this gun, you can slide the cover on the shoulder pad of the rifle and reveal a compartment where you simply connect the wire to the battery and insert into the slot; close it up and it’s ready-to-use.The P90 has a fully automatic firing mode but can also fire a single round with a quick press and release of the trigger. Full auto for ‘spray and pray’ action with the more accurate single shot use for target practice. To load this rifle, you simply open the sliding cover on the top of the clear ammo hopper and pour pre-soaked GelSoft beads into the opening. Once full, simply close the slot and you’re ready to go. When preparing the ammo for this gun, be sure to leave it for the full 4 hours, as it needs to expand fully to work. The ammo loads automatically and will fire continuously in full auto (4 shots per second) or single shots.
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